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  • Repent!!

    If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 28:13 (ESV) When you look at the word repent, what comes to mind? When looking at various verses throughout the Bible from the Old and New Testament, repent is mentioned many times, as well as what it truly means. Unfortunately, there are those who feel repentance means it’s okay to sin.  They feel after their sinful act, all that is required is to ask God for forgiveness and cleansing, and then sometime afterward, they’ll return back to their sinful ways. There are some who do not even try to stop their sinful behaviors.  They use Jesus’s death and sacrifice as “cheap Grace” to cover their sinful lifestyle. This “rinse and repeat” mentality towards sin is of course not true repentance at all. Of course, God knows His children are not perfect and we’re not walking around this earth as sinless human beings. Whether great or small, all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (see Romans 3:23).  God did not give His Son, Jesus Christ, as an atoning sacrifice for our sins only for us to perpetually continue with our sinful behaviors. Behaviors we are not truly willing to stop nor turn away from because of the pleasures we’ve experienced. We must understand that God does not want to withhold pleasures from His children.  He just wants our pleasures to coincide with His wisdom and to be honorable and pure. In order to have true repentance, one must confess and turn away from their sinful desires.  One must daily choose to say no to sinful past choices, to seek to die daily to temptations and to turn and study God’s word to learn the precepts of right living.   Now, there can be times when some are caught in a strong vice grip of sinful behaviors, and it is very difficult to shake free. But God, who is all-powerful, can help this person overcome and shake free from whatever is binding them. And once freed, they need to completely cut off their sinful past and continuously walk in God’s direction. As we seek a closer relationship with God, may we continually ask for forgiveness of our sins with all diligence, and seek to walk in the light of His truth and love. And, while we are walking in that truth, may we seek to share it with others, so that they too can learn of God’s forgiveness, His goodness, and His grace. Blessings, Angélique 💐 To contact:

  • Holy Friday

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…1 Peter 1:3 (ESV) Even as the son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28 (ESV) Holy Friday or Passion Friday are terms used to describe the day Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of all humanity. Many refer to it as Good Friday, and still others refer to it as Black Friday. Regardless of the various names that are used to reference this day, one fact remains; Jesus willingly gave of Himself to be tortured and murdered (despite His innocence), so that all humans (past, present, and future), have the opportunity of salvation because of His sacrifice. Just like there are many terms that describe Holy Friday, there are also many traditions people around the world, adhere to during this solemn and sacred time. Whatever way you choose to honor this day, make sure you take time to reflect on what Jesus went through in order for us to have access to God the Father, and eternal salvation. Jesus showed love, compassion, and empathy to His children during the three and a half years of His teaching and healing ministry.  As we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice Jesus gave for us, may we seek to align our thoughts and actions with His word and His principles of right living. We need to remember that our lives are not only for our own pleasures and gratifying our fleshly desires. God does not begrudge us our desires (that are within His will) but, our main purpose here on earth is to uplift His kingdom by sharing the Gospel to others. There are so many people in this world who do not know the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ. They do not know of Jesus’s sacrifice and the access we have to the Father because of His sacrifice. And God is looking to partner with us to be His disciples to go throughout the world, sharing His love and soon return. As we think about Holy Friday, let us take the time to lament over the pain and agony of what Jesus went through on our behalf.  Then, after our time of grief and reflection, may we seek to move forward and commit to doing what He told us to do in Matthew 28: 18-20.  Jesus charged us to go and make disciples and spread the Gospel to all the world. So, despite the sadness we feel on Holy Friday because of Jesus’s death, we look forward to Resurrection Sunday and can declare to all the world that He has risen, as He said!  As stated in Numbers 6: 24-26, “May the Lord, bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • The Comforting Names Of Jehovah

    God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 (ESV) “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 (ESV) There are many names in Hebrew, that describe Jehovah (the name of God) and His love and care for His Children. Below we will look at just a few. I encourage you to feel free to go and search other names of Jehovah and get to know their beautiful meanings. Jehovah or Yahweh are the Hebrew names that describe God or Lord. All of the following names will have God’s Hebrew name of Jehovah in front of it and the name that follows showcases the beauty being used in scripture to describe how Yahweh has shown up continuously in our lives. Jehovah-Rohi means the Lord is my shepherd. David used this term in Psalm 23 to describe how Jehovah is the shepherd of His flock, which are His children. And just like a good shepherd, His son, Yeshua (the Hebrew name of Jesus), gave His life for us to be saved. Jehovah-Jireh means the Lord is our provider. Throughout scripture and even now, you will find Jehovah providing for His children. He provides for our comfort as well as our emotional and spiritual needs. There are times we do not feel He is near but, we must know and understand that He never leaves our side. Jehovah-Rapha means the Lord who heals. There are over sixty references in the Bible regarding Yahweh healing His people but, the first reference is believed to be mentioned in Genesis 15:26. Where God challenges His people to obey His commands, and in so doing, He would heal them of their physical infirmities and restore them. Jehovah-Shammah means the Lord who is there. This name is used once in the Bible in Ezekiel 48:35. When you feel alone in this world and do not know when your burdens will be lifted, it is nice to know Jehovah-Shammah is there, walking with you through the difficult trials of life. Jehovah-Shalom means the Lord who is peace. This term is found once in the Bible in Judges 6:24. There is true comfort in knowing Jehovah’s peace when one has to go through trials and tribulations. Having the kind of peace that Yahweh provides versus the world, makes all the difference when dealing with challenges in life. Having peace based on worldly standards is fleeting. Having the peace that comes from Jehovah, one can withstand the ups and downs of life. There are many names of Jehovah in the Bible. Pick your favorites and keep them and their meanings near as you journey through life. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Consequences!

    Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 (ESV) Have you ever stopped to realize what you say and what you do, especially on important matters, has a lasting impact on your life, as well as those around you? There are countless stories in the Bible that give us examples of how past choices that were made, went on to create lasting ripple effects from generation to generation. Take for example the story of Abraham, his wife Sarah, and their servant Hagar that begins in Genesis 16:1. Just to recap the story, Abraham and his wife were very old and never had a child, despite God telling Abraham that he would be the father of nations.  So, Sarah gets the idea of using her maidservant, Hagar, to have a child with Abraham, thus fulfilling God’s promise. In the culture at that time, this was a normal practice, something like a surrogate parent in modern times. From what we can tell, both Abraham and Sarah, did not ask God beforehand, if this is a plan they should implement. Instead, they felt they could “make it” work using their own initiative and cultural norms. Ultimately, however, Sarah did have a child years later that they named Issac.  As for Hagar and her son Ishmael? They eventually were banished and sent away from Abraham’s Camp.  Most scholars will agree that to this day, that decision has resulted in the current relations between the Muslim and Jewish people in the Middle East. Another biblical story is the one with David and Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 1.  The recap here is David lusted after another man’s wife (Bathsheba), committed adultery with her, and as a result, she became pregnant with his child.  Due to a series of events and decisions, David had her husband killed in order for him to marry her. Check out the entire story, in the Bible. From these decisions, the first child they created died, and David from that moment on had major family drama and problems that also spilled into future generations. One could easily look back on the mistakes those in the Bible made and think that we wouldn’t make the same mistakes, however, we certainly do. Perhaps not the exact same scenarios but, we all have made mistakes based on our own decisions. By not listening to God’s word and instead listening to the world and/or our flesh, we end up creating situations that can have ripple effects for generations to come. Not saying we all have to walk through life on eggshells, trying to be perfect because we cannot. But I am encouraging us to daily read God‘s word, pray, and really seek to walk in the light of His precepts. If we make decisions based on His principles, we will avoid a lot of headaches and heartaches, for ourselves, for others, and for future generations. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Seven Sins God Hates

    But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.   Isaiah 59:2 (ESV) O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.  Psalm 97:10 (ESV) There are many sins that are outlined in the Bible, but those listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 are stated as sins God hates and are an abomination to Him. We will look at each and give the modern-day definition. Haughty eyes- This describes a person who feels they are superior and better than others. It is one who tends to look down at other people and feel they are greater in all areas. A lying tongue- This describes a person who continuously lies. They rarely tell the truth. Instead of being honest and telling the truth, they are quick to think of a lie, even with small insignificant matters. Hands that shed innocent blood- Of course, this should be self-explanatory…murderers. Those who seek to kill another person, and it was not an accident, it was intended. A heart that devises evil plans- This is a person who is always manipulating and creating wicked ideas/schemes against another. They are usually always thinking of themselves and how they can manipulate a situation or another person, to get what they want. Feet that make haste to do evil- This describes a person who’s always looking to get into trouble and do wicked/evil things. Someone who may steal, lie, manipulate, and cheat other people. They’re always quick to run and do evil. And for some, it’s not out of some sort of necessity, they do it for the thrill of just being wicked and evil. A false witness, who breathes out lies- These are those who will tell lies/give false testimony about others. With this sin, I can easily see God referring to those who gossip. Those who revel in “embellishing” a story or a tale. Basically, they tell lies with perhaps some small amount of truth, about another person and/or situation, and then pass the info on as if it were all true. One who sows discord among brothers- These are people who always stir up descension and trouble amongst other people. They are quick to stir up tempers and situations, that will cause a person or groups of people, to be against each other. Of course, with all of these, some will possess all of the listed sins, and some will have just one or a few as part of their characters. However, despite living in a sinful and fallen world, God does not want any of His children (all humans) to have any of these sins (as well as others listed in the Bible) to be a part of who they are. Everyone has sinned but we need not stay there and make it a part of our everyday life. All of us can seek to confess (turn away from) our sins and ask Jesus’s blood to cleanse and cover us. We all have the choice to not sin and choose to always look to do what is right and honorable. May we go forth confessing and turning away from our sins, and seek to walk in God’s light of love, truth, and honor. Blessings, Angélique

  • Allowing Differences

    Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. 1 Peter 3:8 (ESV) How many times do you find yourself trying to assimilate a person into various groups or gatherings? Whether they felt comfortable with the idea or not? If they by nature were introverted, you and others would “push” them to be included at all gatherings, whether or not they wanted to be. I read a story recently that was eye-opening and very inspiring. It involved a son-in-law who was introverted and who really didn’t feel comfortable being in the middle of large family gatherings. Now, there were some in the family who complained that he was not in the area with all of them but, he was in another room reading. However, when this was told to the matriarch, the mother-in-law, she was elated. She knew he needed to unplug and did not want to be around the livelier group on a constant basis. So, she found out his favorite author, bought the latest book, and placed it in another room next to the recliner, in the hopes he would find it and begin reading. She understood that he needed to plug into what makes him feel comfortable, which in this case was sitting quietly by himself and reading. In this story, the mother-in-law showed an excellent example of relational maturity. She taught a valuable lesson to the other members that everyone is not “wired” the same. We need to allow others to process life and approach various gatherings in their own unique way and not let them feel out of place. She taught everyone to not let others feel as if something was wrong with them because they were not joining the main group. The above example describes different personalities. However, there are many other differences we will come across in life: various ethnicities, cultures, physical attributes, religions, political parties, etc. The main point is that we need to allow individuals to be who they are, and not try to force them to assimilate so that they can “fit in” with the rest of the group. In the story above, I am sure the introverted family member at times was a part of the main group. However, there were times when he needed to decompress and to be alone. As we go about life, may we learn to look upon others as God’s children and appreciate their unique differences. May we not make others feel they are not welcome because they do not behave the way we want them to. May we have the behavior God intended by showing love, respect, and kindness to everyone we meet. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Being Seen

    She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” Genesis 16:13 (NIV) I had a conversation not too long ago regarding being seen and noticed in this polarized world we live in today. There are many people who go about their day who may not be in a committed relationship, do not live with family, and their friends are few or, there’s none at all. At this stage in their lives, they are alone. And we discussed that what all people really want is to be seen and for their existence to be acknowledged. When looking around, we see it’s not just family, friends, church members, co-workers, etc. It’s also the store cashier, a food service worker, or anyone who works in the service industry. They all want to be acknowledged, to be appreciated, to be seen by others. When seeking to give acknowledgments, it doesn’t have to be over the top or a grand gesture. It can be done just by simply saying hello with a smile. A simple “Hello how are you”, “Thank you for your help or service”, “Have a nice day”, “Make it a great day”, “God’s Blessings to you and your family”, etc. These are just a few positive, uplifting phrases that one can say to another, that lets them know they are acknowledged, they matter, and they are seen. For all we know, it could be the only positive/uplifting messages they have received all day. In the verse above, Hagar acknowledges God sees her during her time of need. We all must remember that God acknowledges us, He sees us, He loves us. If we perhaps do not get positive acknowledgments from one day to the next, we can rest assured that God loves and cares for us. He formed us in our mother’s womb (see Psalms 139:13-15). He knows every single hair on our head which He numbered (see Luke 12:7). Have you ever stopped to think about those facts? So, when things are not going well in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, we can rest in the knowledge that God not only sees us and the situation but, He is also working out a plan. We can trust and believe He will be with us no matter what. All of us will have times, and seasons of life when we may find ourselves alone. During those times, instead of waiting for others to reach out to us, let us seek to reach out to them and show kindness and love. If possible, may we let them know we worship and praise the God who sees us. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Dating: Your Intention And Direction

    How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. Psalm 119:9 (ESV) Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way. Proverbs 19:2 (ESV) Dating in today’s 21st century is so different from centuries in the past, especially for Christians, who are looking to date in today’s modern world. For the most part, dating many years ago used to be very respectful and considerate, especially with a young man seeking to date or court a young lady. But in today’s societies, a lot of that respect, consideration, and discipline, regarding what should and should not happen within a dating relationship, has gone away. In today’s society, there are very loose expectations, parameters, or boundaries when dating. People are encouraged to just have fun, be open, and be willing to participate in a lot of different activities/behaviors that are not physically or emotionally healthy and, most definitely not Godly. Dating rules by worldly standards will have no direction or intentionality in the relationship. In those relationships, one is encouraged to just live and let live, be easy/free, and do whatever makes a person” feel good”. However, in contrast, in Christian dating, there will be a clear direction of where one wants the relationship to go, and they will engage in having clean fun and targeted intentionality. In Bible times if a man and woman were dating, they would have a courtship of about a year that was not consummated (meaning no sex) until after they were married. And during that year, the direction of the relationship and the intentionality was clear. Fast forwarding a few years from Bible times, there was respect and intentionality in dating or courting as it was called at the time. A young man would go and ask a young lady’s parents’ permission to take their daughter out on a date. They would date very innocently and respectfully for a few months, and eventually, they would become engaged and then marry. For those who are single and seek a Godly relationship, be encouraged to date with intentionality and direction. In researching this topic and speaking with others, below are my thoughts/suggestions on the stages of Christian dating: Friend-dating Stage: This is a term I use to describe when you first meet someone, and when there are no labels of boyfriend/girlfriend at this time. This stage should be light, fun, casual, but very intentional. Dating should be in groups as well as some one-on-one dates at various locales, and not in one or the other’s home. Even though there are no permanent labels at this point the direction and intentionality should be known that you want to get to know this person and, to see if it should move forward. At this stage, if you don’t find the compatibility there for whatever reason, do not move to the next step. End the relationship as friends and move on. Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Exclusive Stage: Before moving to this stage, it should be clear/understood this is not a causal relationship any longer. At this stage, you’re both clear that you are working towards the direction of engagement and then marriage. In this phase, you’re making sure to introduce your partner to family and friends and engage with family activities on both sides. Seeking to have serious discussions about the relationship, the future, and what that looks like for the both of you. If you’re continuing strong in this phase, and before moving to the next (engagement), it might be a good idea to have pre-engagement counseling. Engagement Stage: At this stage, the wedding is being planned and pre-marital counseling should be underway. From my research, many pastors mentioned that the engagement does not have to be years and years in duration. A point was made that in Bible times, most people were married as soon as their year of courtship/engagement ended. Many of the pastors suggested usually six to eight months after becoming engaged, the wedding should be held, not years and years later. I encourage any single person to consider intentional Christian dating in their efforts to find their future spouse. Before you begin dating, make a list of your boundaries, as well as what you’re looking for in a mate. Be clear on who you are, and do not allow yourself to change to please another. Next week, we will look at celibacy and dating in the 21st Century. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Dating: Celibacy In The 21st Century

    Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18 (ESV) But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2 (ESV) In the world we live in today, there are various types of thoughts and philosophies about dating. There are open relationships, having multiple partners, engaging in sex before marriage, and the list can go on and on. And for those who want to walk in line with God’s word, a lot of times they’ll be ridiculed by friends, family, and society at large, for adhering to God’s principles. There are many topics to cover in the dating arena, but today we’ll focus on celibacy within the dating relationship. There are good reasons why God in the Bible gives instructions for one to wait to engage in sexual activity after marriage. Our Creator knows the physical and emotional repercussions that can occur, by having sex outside of a holy covenant relationship. Some of those repercussions can be unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, feelings of doubt, and questioning why you engaged in sex with this person. It can also lead a person to question their abilities/their performance and whether or not they please their partner. In addition, others engage in sex seeking a loving/committed relationship and/or feel they “have to” engage, in order to “keep” the other person. They feel pressured into sexual relationships so as not to be thought of as “strange or weird” because everyone is having sex outside of marriage. These various thoughts and emotions can lead many to not be true to themselves or their values when dating. There are many situations where a person is not ready for a sexual relationship and regrets entering into the sexual arena within the dating scene. One other factor many do not realize or think about when entering into a sexual relationship with another is the fact that they are creating soul ties with this other person. One will forever carry around a part of this other person, long after the relationship has ended. Another major problem that can occur when engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage, is that the person you’re with could have glaring red flags before your physical encounter. Had you not engaged in sex, you might have ended the relationship and moved on. But once a person engages in sex, you create that soul tie/that bond, so now you’re striving to make the relationship work, despite the serious misgivings you had in the beginning. Depending on the physical encounter, one might start seeing green flags in place of the definite red ones. One can end up defending this person and their behaviors to others, who can see clearly the type of individual they are. But due to the sexual/physical nature of the relationship, your senses are not as sharp or discerning as they once were, and you’ll begin to view them through “rose-colored” glasses. When deciding to be celibate before marriage, there are many resources to guide you. The first is to always read the Bible and maintain a close relationship with God. In addition, seek out various YouTube videos from pastors and other couples who have shared their stories and testimonies. There are books for both men and women that will give insight and encouragement on your celibate journey while dating. Within these resources, you also will find practical tips on how to conduct yourself while dating. Giving you advice on what you should and should not do, so as not to fall into temptation. Do not think that you’re strong enough to engage in certain “activities” or get close to the “edge” and not fall. Many strong individuals have fallen into temptation and regretted it afterward. Ultimately, do what works for you but, make sure your boundaries are in place and they align with God’s word. May God’s blessings be with you as you navigate Christian dating in today’s world. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Are You A Character Assassin?

    Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. Romans 14:10-13 (ESV) “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; Luke 6:23 (ESV) Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29. Are you a character assassin? Are you one who constantly picks apart others and judges them based on their appearance, their economic status, their culture, their religious beliefs, etc.? In the verses above, God speaks to us about judging others. So often when one seeks to criticize or put down another, this is usually an indication of their own unresolved issues that need to be addressed. And instead of seeking to address their issues in a healthy manner, they resort to pointing fingers and judging others, assassinating their characters and their value to the world. In truth, we all will discuss different individuals or situations and give our opinions. But we have to be careful that our opinions and words, don’t turn into judgment and a takedown of other individuals. All of us are sinners who have been saved by grace through the death of Jesus Christ. None of us are perfect and none of us are without sin. Everyone has faults and struggles as they transverse this life. Some may appear to have it all together and perfect from the outside but, that is not true for any human being. Throughout their life, they too have had challenges and struggles like every other individual. So let us not seek to look down upon, or judge another, because we feel (for whatever reason) they are less than what we consider ideal and/or perfect. God’s word states we are judging others by the “speck” in their eye but missing or ignoring the large log” in our own eyes!! This should definitely not be!! As stated in Ephesians 4:29, let us not allow corrupt talk to come out of our mouths but let us speak good and uplifting words about others. May we exhibit grace and forgiveness to others who are on this journey of life. May we continuously seek to pray that everyone in time develops the character that God would want us all to have. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Where Does God’s Seed Fall In Your Life?

    “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.” As he said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Luke 8:5-8 (ESV) In reading the parable of the sower in Luke 8, have you ever contemplated where you are in your spiritual journey? The seed represents God’s word. Let’s break down the four ways God’s word can be received in one’s life. The seeds that are out in the open, lying on the ground, represent those that hear God’s word however, they can be easily tempted and fall away rather quickly. They feel good about giving their lives to God initially but, if they don’t fully understand God’s word, instead of choosing to learn and seek to get closer to Him, they allow themselves to be easily persuaded and lured away. The seeds found on rocky ground represent those who hear God’s messages and are filled with immense joy. However, when trials and stresses of life appear (and they always will), they fall away because they too never sought to have a closer, deeper relationship with God and His word. They never allowed their roots (faith, trust & belief) in God to grow so when times become hard, they leave and no longer follow God. As for the seed that falls among the thorns, it represents those who allow the constant allure of pleasures and riches of this world, to pull them away from walking with God and reading/studying His word. However, the seed that falls on good soil represents those who seek to have a relationship with God. If they do not understand some of the passages in the Bible, instead of quitting, they will seek to get clarification. If troubles in this life fall on them and/or their loved ones, they run to God, as opposed to running away. They enjoy the wholesome pleasures the world offers but, they do not allow it to interfere with their walk, with their relationship with God. As you contemplate your life, and where you are in regard to your walk with God, I pray you allow the seed (God’s word) to fall on good soil. In reading the verses from the Bible as well as the descriptions above, allowing the seed to grow in good soil is not automatic. It’s not something superficial that one just thinks about, and suddenly happens. It takes consistent action in order to allow God’s seed, His word, to grow deep and strong roots in you. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • “Never” Prayers!

    It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (ESV) Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 (ESV) Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 (ESV) Have you ever prayed “never” prayers? These are the prayers as stated in the verses above that signifies how God will never leave us, nor give up on us. I believe all of us have prayed and cried out to God at various times in our lives and referred to these verses from time to time. Even when our belief and our faith was weak, we still clung to the hope that God would hear us and supply all of our needs. As we approach each new day, may we pray to God using the “never” verses. May we seek to call out to Him and quote the Bible passages where God states He will never leave us. May we daily choose to believe God and His promises, despite how we feel and what we see happening in the world. All of us have a desire to see the world become a better and safer place. At times it becomes hard to believe God is with us when we look at all the negative and destructive forces, actively working to destroy individuals, families, and societies at large. However, despite what we see and have experienced, God is asking for us to trust Him and, to still call out to Him with our “never” prayers in faith. I would like to close with one of my favorites be strong and courageous. “Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy, 31:6. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

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