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  • Faith Like A Child

    And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:2-3 (ESV) When you read the verse above in Matthew 18:3, what comes to your mind initially? When I first read this, I thought to myself, how can anyone become a child again after they’re an adult? Then, as you continue to study the Bible, and what Jesus is saying here, you understand fully His meaning. God wants us to have the same type of belief and trust in Him, as a child does with their parents. A child being raised in a good home will have total trust, faith, and belief in their parents, as well as extended family members. That child will not worry about being cared for and being loved. They will go about being carefree, playful, and having total belief/trust, knowing that everything will be okay. God wants us to have that same faith and belief in Him as a child does in their loved ones. He wants us to believe that despite the ups and downs of life, we ultimately will trust and believe He has the situation under control. Now, there will be times when certain events occur that are not the outcomes, we prayed for or want. And during those times we will need to have that childlike faith and belief in whatever the outcome will be. Despite how painful and difficult life can become as an adult, God longs for us to still love, trust, and have total faith in Him, the Creator of the universe. As we embark on the new year of 2024, may we always remember that no matter what challenges life brings, we should always have a childlike love, faith, and belief in God. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • I Choose Joy

    Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 (ESV) May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13 (ESV) During this holiday season, as we are about to bring in a new year, one can become caught up in the joyful celebrations that seem to be ongoing all around. However, even though some are experiencing happy, joyful times, there are others who are experiencing pain, sorrow, and loss. In a devotional article I read recently, a woman went to comfort a friend who recently lost a loved one who had died. In checking on her friend and asking how she was doing, she responded: “It’s hard but, I choose joy despite it all”. There are times when the feelings of joyfulness and happiness are easy because everything is going as planned. But how does one choose joy when they don’t have those feelings? When in fact everything is not going as planned and the feelings are actually the very opposite? In order to have God’s joy at that moment, one has to intellectually make a choice to be joyful, to be grateful, to be content. Not saying when you choose to have joy that everything around you and, in the world, is going the way you would like. More often than not, things will not be going the way you would prefer. Not only in your life but also in the lives of others. It is during this time as God’s children, we need to reach out to do what we can to render help and assistance, for whomever God places on our hearts. But ultimately, despite pain and heartaches of various degrees, we must choose to have faith and belief that God is in control. We need to ultimately learn to choose His peace, His contentment, and His joy, as we navigate life. So, as we embark on the new year of 2024, may we choose daily to have love, humility, patience, and joy, as we look to share God’s messages of love, faith, and hope that the world so desperately needs. May you have a blessed and joyful 2024! Happy New Year! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Too Many Distractions? 

    But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42. (ESV) During this busy holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted with decorating, shopping for gifts, attending parties, etc. However, not only during the holiday season can one find themselves distracted. It can also be that way throughout the year with our schedules crowded with many activities and obligations. The Bible story of Martha and her sister Mary describes when Jesus came to their house and was speaking to a small gathering there. Being the hostess, Martha of course wanted to make sure enough food was prepared for Jesus and their guests. During the preparations, Martha was busy and stressed trying to have everything ready when they finished their discussion. It was at this time that Martha went to Jesus and complained her sister Mary was not helping. But Jesus lovingly told Martha that he understood her concerns, but He was not going to take this time away from Mary, as she chose what was most important. Now, one can sympathize with Martha, who wanted to provide for others who had come into her home. But the point here is that choosing to take time to learn from God is more important than being constantly torn away due to the busyness and distractions of life. As stated above, there can be many distractions/commitments that can pull us away and cause us to lose sight of what’s important as we journey through life. God is not taking us from work which we need to do, to provide for ourselves, and our loved ones. But in this story, as in many others in the Bible, God is making the point to say we need to have balance and understand which is greater, our distractions or to stop and connect with Him on an ongoing basis. God is not asking for all of our time to be directed to Him. But daily, we all should have time set aside to pray, study God’s word, and reflect on our lives. The time we take can be just a few minutes or longer; just as long as we take the time to be still and relish in God’s goodness and His many blessings. So, during this holiday season and for the upcoming new year, may we be aware of the many distractions life will place in our path. Some things we cannot control but, there are others we definitely can, and should control. May we have good boundaries in place that will help us not be too distracted, so that we don’t miss the opportunity to “sit” at Jesus’s feet and learn from Him. Blessings and happy holidays, Angelique To contact:

  • Do You Long For What Others Have?

    “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” Exodus 20:17 (ESV) Do you ever find yourself wanting what others have? Their material possessions or even their relationships, i.e. their friends, their kids, or perhaps their partner/spouse? So many times, a lot of us do not appreciate what we have but, long to have what others have been given. What does the Bible say about covetousness or wanting what others have? In Luke 12:15 the verse states: And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” By fixating on what others have, this can lead to a host of problems in one’s life. It may cause thoughts of taking from others the things you did not work to have or, longing for their relationships which were granted to them by God. When one becomes so obsessed with what others have, it could lead them to neglect their relationship with God. In addition, it could cause them to compromise their integrity, and do whatever it takes to make more money to have more possessions and/or people. When God says, do not covet, He knew that the insidiousness of being covetous can lead to sinful desires that if unchecked, could eventually lead us down a path where we’d forfeit our very soul. During childhood, we all at some point wanted what the other kids had. However, as we mature and take control of our desires and our thoughts, we should be at a place where we can control the need and hunger to have what others possess. Of course, we all must work to provide for our needs, as well as the needs of our loved ones. But we should not go to the extreme, trying to keep up with others, at the neglect of our soul salvation. May we remember what’s most important in life: having a relationship with God and others, as well as spreading God’s messages throughout the world. So, as we go forward in life, may we seek to be people who shine the light of humility, kindness, and love to others, instead of seeking to covet what they possess. Blessings, Angelique To contact:

  • Untitled

    Are You Ashamed Of The Gospel? For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 (ESV) Are you ashamed to read the Bible? Do you hide from family and friends that you are a Christian and that you have daily worship and prayer time with God? When interacting with others outside of the church environment, do they know you are a Christian by observing your actions and your words? As I’m asking these questions, I am answering them as well. At this stage of my life, I can honestly answer yes to all the above concerning my Christian journey. However, truth be told, early in my Christian walk, I would have not answered yes so strongly, outside of a church setting. In asking these questions I’m not looking to shame anyone, just wanting to have us reflect on being a Christian, and how we all should be reading and sharing the Gospel of Christ, to those in our world. Of course, it’s easy to study God’s word, and share His precepts when we are surrounded by like-minded people. But the test comes when we come in contact with people who do not have a relationship with God, and who seem to be worldly in their attitudes, their actions, and their conversations. For some, there may be times when around these individuals, they will close down and seek to diminish and/or downplay the light of God that is shining within their heart, within their soul. God in His word calls for us to be bold and not ashamed as is stated in 2 Timothy 2:15, “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker, who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling, the word of truth. So, as we go forward in life, may we never be ashamed or downplay our faith. May we always behave in a Christ-like manner and be quick to share His Gospel whenever we can. When we are afraid or tempted not to stand up for God may we remember this verse from Isaiah 41:10, “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous, right hand. Blessings, Angélique To contact: #Ashamed

  • Be Good…Do Good!!

    Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 (ESV) As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 (ESV) Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14 (ESV) In various church communities and elsewhere, you will find some faithful people always seeking to do good. When you come across their paths, you expect their good works and deeds to always shine through, each and every time. But have you ever stopped to realize, that we all should have those traits and characteristics? That all of us should be good and have a desire to do good at all times? If every person on this planet sought to always do good to those around them, to the environment, and to society at large, the sin and evil of this world would not be as prevalent as it is today. To be a good person and to do good works should be second nature to everyone. However, in reality, as we continue to live in this sin-laden world, it can sometimes become increasingly difficult to always be good and kind, on a continuous basis. Most of us can be good and do good works from time to time and perhaps even frequently but, to exhibit this type of behavior on a continuous basis? That can be challenging and difficult for many. Despite the challenges of living a Godly life and seeking to do good always, it is not impossible to practice on a daily basis with all those we meet. Of course, there will be times when you’re upset and angry, and trying to instill the characteristic of being good will prove to be difficult and at times impossible. But we can take courage with this verse in the Bible from Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God”. So, as we go throughout our lives, may we at all times seek to do and be good. We can sum it all up with this quote by theologian John Wesley: ‘Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.’ Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Are You Teachable?

    Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray. Proverbs 10:17 (ESV) Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence. Proverbs 15:32 (ESV) Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Proverbs 8:33 (ESV) When you make a mistake or you’re about to make one, do you want someone to correct you? Are you teachable? The verses listed above, as well as many more in the Bible, let us know we all need to allow correction in our lives and be teachable. We should all strive to be people who are open to gaining knowledge and insight that leads to wisdom. No one can, or should, live their life feeling they know it all and that they’ve got everything figured out. No human (except Jesus) has life figured out and has all the answers. Every person can be teachable and should always be open to learning, even in areas they feel they have great understanding and knowledge. Being teachable also shows a sign of humility, which is something we all should exhibit at all times. No one likes a person who is arrogant and full of themselves. A person who thinks they have it all together and know everything. This person is considered annoying, and most people do not like to be around them at all. So, as we proceed forward in living our lives, may we always have the attitude that we are open to learning new ideas and new ways of understanding. May we seek to always be teachable, no matter where we are on life’s journey. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Are You Seeking or Serving?

    Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 (ESV) I listened to a sermon recently where the pastor made comments in reference to the Bible characters of Ruth and Boaz. I liked when he highlighted the part of the story where Ruth was not seeking a man or a relationship at the time, she met Boaz. When he met her, she was serving/working for the survival needs of both Naomi (her mother-in-law) and herself. And in the course of working, Boaz presented himself to her, speaking kindly and offering her his protection. Before he approached her, he saw her working and was told who she was, how hard she worked, and that she was the widow/daughter-in-law caring for her mother-in-law, Naomi. Her actions caused him to pay attention to her and realize this woman was busying herself with what was important in life. This leads me to ask the question, are you seeking or serving? Of course, the story above is about an eventual love story but, in asking the question, it’s not just about love relationships. Are we mostly in the state of seeking: love, fame/glory, a lot of money, etc.? Or are we busy serving God by using our gifts/talents and spreading His messages with the world? As stated above, instead of focusing on seeking, we should instead focus on working and serving God and others. As God stated in His word in Matthew 6:33, “But seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Now, there is nothing wrong with us seeking a relationship, a better job, financial security, etc. The problem can come when we find ourselves constantly seeking as opposed to serving and building up God’s kingdom. God knows our hearts as well as our desires. Whether we seek a mate, financial success, recognition, etc. Instead of putting most of our energies and efforts into seeking, may we get busy doing the Masters work by serving in various capacities, according to our gifts and talents. As we serve, let us allow God to order our steps and, allow Him to create divine interventions within our lives. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Dwelling On The Past?

    “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18 How many of us, whether it be good thoughts or bad, dwell on our past? There are many who seem stuck in yesteryear which means the past. If in our minds we feel everything was great in prior years, then we want it to continue and never let changes occur in society at large, in ourselves and in others. We want everything to be the same as years past and everyone to fall into the same roles that they played in the years prior. For example, if we’re talking about racial inequity, those who were part of the minority races acted and behaved in a subjugated manner to those who were in the majority, who held positions of authority and power. In this example, those who were once in power, “long” for times past and want everything to be as it was before. Then, there are those who suffered pain and heartbreak, especially over a past love relationship that ended or have lost loved ones. Many may find themselves stuck in the past, reliving it in some ways and wanting everything to be as it once was before. For them, they have a hard time accepting their present life and moving forward. I know a lot of the times due to losses we have experienced, it is not easy to move on and one may need to seek professional counseling and/or group therapy. Please know there is no shame in this and actually it can be very beneficial as one seeks to heal, to grow, to move forward in life. Of course, we all will reflect and remember what has happened in our past, whether it be good or bad. But as God’s word states, we need to not dwell in the past. To not dwell is to not live there but, to move forward in Him and to share His messages of hope, faith, and love to others. No one can control past events but we all can reflect, remember, and at times learn from our past, then look to move forward making choices/decisions rooted in God’s precepts. As God says in Isaiah 43:19…“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” May we seek healing, restoration, and strength in God, and allow Him to lead us as we accept the present and look forward to our future. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Gratitude Journal

    And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  Colossians 3:17 (ESV) Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ephesians 5:20 (ESV) I read a recent article about a woman who began a gratitude journal. She promised that every day she would find three things to be grateful for. She would write down a range of things that happened that were extraordinary to things that were small and seemingly insignificant. Her main focus was just to show gratitude every single day. In a recent podcast, I heard a person share the findings of a scientific study that showed our brains cannot have anxiety/stress and practice gratitude at the same time. The two just cannot coexist. We all at times will become anxious due to a number of factors in our lives. However, if we choose to practice mindful gratitude always, and especially during those times we have anxious thoughts, we will see our mood lighten and those anxious/stressful thoughts leave. Of course, the anxious or stressful situation may not fully resolve but, our attitude and our outlook in dealing with our challenges will be different. We will feel more at peace, calmer, and more centered. The more we seek God and His principles and express our gratitude despite our situations, we will have the fortitude to go through many challenging and difficult moments in life. Let’s remember that being thankful and expressing our gratitude will also help strengthen our spiritual and emotional well-being and, help us as we grow in our faith and belief in God, and His plan for our lives. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Taking Our Talents To The Grave

    As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them… 1st part of Romans 12:6 (ESV) I know I have shared before how we all are given various gifts and talents from God. Our Father in Heaven desires for each of us to seek to use our gifts, for the uplifting of His people, His world. However, there are countless people (I too was once in that number) who will not use the gifts/talents that they were given. Many will come up with various excuses as to why they cannot. Let’s look at a few reasons they give below. Some feel they do not know what their gifts/talents are. One way to find out is to go to Google and type in the spiritual gifts test. From there you will find a link where you can answer questions and get your results, which will be in line with your personality and your character. Then there are some who know their gifts/talents but, they are scared of the future, of the unknown. Wanting to know the future is something we all desire. Everyone has a little fear of the unknown. But despite this, God calls for us to trust Him and to move forward in life knowing He will be there. While we are still alive and functioning, we should seek to use our time wisely and share God’s message of love, hope, and peace, by using our various gifts and talents. Then there are others, who know their gifts and talents and who are not afraid to use them. They choose however to use them for glory and worldly pursuits/pleasures and not seek to focus on or uphold Godly precepts. Of course, living in this world, we will at times use our gifts/talents to provide for ourselves and/or our families. But the difference (if we stay connected to God) will be that we’ll seek opportunities to uplift God and His kingdom, as much as possible, as we live out our lives. Whatever the reason one may have for not using their gifts and talents, I would like to encourage everyone to not hold back and to share their positive contributions to God’s world. It is not God’s desire that we hide our light, and our talents, and not use them to be a blessing to His people. We do not want to take to the grave, the gifts and talents that were never used for the uplifting of His kingdom. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Controlling Your Thoughts

    Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (ESV) Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.   Philippians 4:8 (ESV) I listened to a sermon by Joyce Meyer (Christian author and speaker) who said this about thoughts: “Some people try to control their mouths but do nothing about their thoughts. That’s like pulling off the top of a weed. Unless the root is dug up, the weed always comes back. You’ll never control your mouth unless you first learn to control your mind.” How powerful are those words!! I know many times I seek to “hold my tongue” and not say words I want to, depending on the situation. But, if I’m being honest, there are also times I do not hold back, especially if I’m upset and want to get my point across. How many times do we consistently stop and contemplate our thoughts prior to taking action? How many times do we ask ourselves, am I looking at the individuals and/or various situations in the right frame of mind/thought? I believe all of us need to take the time to work on ourselves and our thoughts, on a consistent basis, prior to moving forward and taking any action. Have you ever stopped to think how many negative encounters could’ve been avoided, if we took the time to assess our agitated thoughts toward a person or a situation? There are many times we can make incorrect assumptions and believe what we think about a person or situation (without really knowing) and then seek to move forward based on our erroneous conclusions. As we move forward in life, may we take the time to really be honest with who we are, what we are thinking, and how we choose to respond to various individuals and situations. May we truly study God’s word and apply it to our everyday lives, as this is key to changing the way we think about others and the world around us. Let’s not follow others just because that’s what everyone else does. Instead, let’s decide for ourselves, based on Godly council, what our thoughts should be in any given situation. God, be with us as we seek to be closer to you and seek to have our thoughts and actions, be in alignment with Your precepts. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

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