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  • Our Complaining!

    Do all things without grumbling or disputing, Philippians 2:14 (ESV) I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; 1Timothy 2:8 (ESV) Most of us pray and ask God to bless us with a mate/marriage, children, healthy family/friends, good jobs, a house/car, financial security, etc. And when God hears and answers our prayers, a lot of us go down the road of life where we complain about the very same people and situations that we prayed to have!! What we at times fail to realize, is that complaining sows seeds of dissension in our hearts that can spill over to our loved ones, our community, our work, our church, and so on. It causes us to pull away from God and His message, as well as from others. It does not bring togetherness and commitment but, creates division in all areas of our lives. For myself and others, we need to get rid of any complaining and bemoaning that exists in our lives. From time to time when we’re down, we all will have that momentary feeling of not being happy about our current situation. During those times it is inevitable most of us will complain and if so, this would be considered normal human behavior. But excessive/constant complaining is not normal, does not help, and is not a cure for any of life’s downturns. God calls for us to have the opposite attitude. To have the attitude of praising God despite our current circumstances. And when we seek to praise during this time, it does not mean we necessarily feel like lifting praises to God but, we make a choice to do so anyway. In addition to lifting praises to God, we also seek to lift and encourage others as well. Instead of complaining, we should seek opportunities to share our faith and, to let others know God is moving and working out our life situations. May we remind ourselves, as well as others, that God is not a magic genie with a magic wand who will make things go the way we want. God wants us to trust Him and be active participants in living our lives, according to His word. And once we have done everything we can do with our situations, then just stand and allow God to work all to His glory and benefit. As we go forward in life, we will complain about one thing or another. But the difference should be, not to live and operate in that mindset of constant complaining. We must not allow the object of our prayers, to become the source of our complaints. May we strive to rise above and do what we can with the situation but, ultimately we let go and give it all to God. We decide to follow Him and His teachings, and allow Him to work it out while keeping us close to Him throughout the process. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • God’s Spark

    Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7 (ESV) We are all infused with the breath of God when we were created. I listened to a sermon recently when the pastor beautifully illustrated/described, what happened when God first breathed the breath of life into human beings…God’s Spark. I had never heard that term being used to describe the breath God breathed into every one of His children. What a beautiful and powerful description of God’s loving act toward us. When I stop to think about the “spark of God” being inside me, I am humbled and have the desire to serve Him by using the gifts and talents He has given to me. I have the desire to align my life with His will, and to encourage others to do the same. Let’s face it, we live in a crazy and dark world where sinful-worldly lifestyles/choices are celebrated and at times, greatly encouraged. A world that will laugh and/or snicker at anyone that desires their life to be in line with God’s morals and truths. They too have God’s spark however, they do not acknowledge it nor do they acknowledge God or His plans for a Christ-centered life. Despite this, God loves all His children and wants the best for us, just like any good parent. As you go about living your life, all the rushing to complete tasks in an attempt to achieve your goals, take a moment to stop and think about God’s Spark, the breath of life He has given you. Stop and thank Him for the beautiful person He created, you! Then, pray and ask Him how you can use your life, your gifts and talents, to spread His gospel message of love, to the rest of the world. Remember, you and I are infused, with God’s Spark! Now, go forth and be a blessing to others! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Our Actions Matter!!

    Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 (ESV) Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 (ESV) How do you engage with the world? Our interactions with people in our sphere/our circle of influence matter! How we choose to show up in the world…matters!! It’s funny how some people feel they have the “right” to say and do, whatever they want to other individuals, even to ones they do not even know!! They dare to think that because they belong to a certain race or social economic class of people, the actions they take (benefiting themselves even if it hurts others) are all that matters. I recall an incident where I finished shopping and got into the checkout line to pay for my purchases. It was a busy time and the cashiers were doing their best but tensions were high, and customers were becoming impatient. A person ahead of me gave the cashier a hard time while checking out their purchases. When it came to me, I could see she was tired and upset. As she began ringing up my purchases, I thanked her for her hard work and for being there to serve us. I truly appreciated her. She then looked up and with tears in her eyes, she said, “Really? Thank you! I needed to hear that!” I told her I appreciated her and most importantly, God appreciated her even more! That small interaction, lifted her after the interaction before me, had cut her down. It did not take a lot on my part to let someone (whom I did not know and may never see again) understand they mattered. God calls for us to show kindness and respect, and to always be aware that our actions truly do matter. He calls for us to take responsibility and control our attitudes and our behavior toward others. As humans, we will have times when we are not at our best and our tempers may flare up. However, as responsible individuals, we need to continually work on ourselves so that we won’t lose control when those stressful times do occur. How do we engage with the world? By showing kindness, respect, and control of ourselves, as we interact with everyone we meet. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Life Expectations:  Trusting God!!

    For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV) So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5 (ESV) Do you trust God at all times and in every aspect of your life? I am ashamed to say I do not always. From time to time I fight and wrestle with this notion when I allow my humanity to get in the way. There are times when I feel that I alone must take charge of my life, and be the only one responsible for my life’s outcomes. I know many others also share these thoughts and feelings from time to time as well. But of course, many of us also know and believe, we are God’s beloved children and, He is with us and knows our life’s direction. For this new year of 2023, let us make a conscious effort to trust God like never before, in every aspect of our life. To have the same type of trust we have every day in mundane things. Take for example turning on a water faucet. When you do this, you believe and do not doubt that water will come out. How about when you enter a room and flip on the light switch? You expect and trust that the light will come on. In addition, when you turn the key or press a button in your car, you fully expect it to start. We all have expectations and trust that objects will work when they are engaged. Why don’t we have that same level of confidence and belief in God? Why don’t we believe that God will operate in our lives and be there for us, just like we believe in the various gadgets we use daily? Why do we doubt His existence and/or, doubt His abilities to be there in our lives? In the Bible do you remember the story of the centurion and his servant who was ill? In Matthew 8:8-10, the centurion went to Jesus and asked for healing for his sick servant. So Jesus prepared to get up and go with him. However, he told Jesus not to do this as he was unworthy to have Him enter his home. He declared before Jesus and those listening that all he needed was for Jesus to say the word, and he believed his servant would be healed. He did not have to see Jesus physically come to his house, nor touch his servant. Jesus marveled at his level of trust, belief and faith. The Bible states at that very moment, his servant was healed. God calls us all to have that level of belief, faith, and trust that He will see us through any circumstances we face in our lives, as well as the lives of our friends and loved ones. There will be times we may not like the life situation before us but despite this, we will still trust and believe that God will see us through. So remember, whatever life expectations you must face, trust God!! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Have Hope But Trust God’s Decision 

    Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12 (ESV) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV) I listened to a sermon where a pastor explained the phrase he used in a past sermon encouraging everyone “to have hope loosely”. He explained it’s not that we shouldn’t hold onto faith and hope but, we must allow God to move the way He sees fit in our lives, even if it’s not the outcome we had planned. Of course, we should plan and hold onto our ideals of how we want our lives to be. We should aspire to reach our dreams/goals and put the necessary plans in place. But, we need to always allow room for God to maneuver in our lives and be willing to follow His guidance, especially if those plans must change. In life, we all will face challenges that will be hard to endure. We will cry out to others and to God, praying for deliverance, peace, and strength to endure the journey. At times our prayers will be answered the way we would like, and at other times, the end result will be just the opposite of our desires. When this happens, we must not let go of our faith and hope in God. During those difficult times, we must cling to God all the more. By allowing God to work a situation out in our lives, our story/our testimony may produce a positive impact on the lives of others, of which we may never know. God can bless us and others in ways we may not understand, nor even conceive. But by “holding onto hope loosely”, we are allowing God to work salvation, miracles, and blessings in our lives and the lives of others. May we allow God to be God, and to move in ways He feels is more impactful and will serve the greater good of mankind. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Let Your Light Shine!

    And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:3 (ESV) As 2022 comes to a close, and we are looking forward to 2023, may we seek to live our lives shining the light of God, into the world. When we allow God to manifest in our lives and magnify Him in all we do, His light will shine through us. As we shine a positive light onto others, we’re also allowing God to shine His light and blessings onto us. We don’t have to pursue and/or chase what God will bring to us if we are seeking to live our lives within His will. The beginning of Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…”. Therefore, we don’t have to chase down God’s goodness, we just have to arise and shine! Also, we must remember, light does not need to strive, it doesn’t have to force itself to shine, it just does. In life, many times we’re guilty of trying to influence and/or force situations that might not be what God wants for us. We may try to manipulate a situation to make it happen however, if we are connected to God, we need not force the blessing or the light to come forth. If it is within His will, the blessings and light will simply shine. In 2023 and beyond, let’s seek to connect and stay connected to the true light source, God.  As we move forward may all we say and do be in God’s will, and may His light shine forth always, to everyone we meet! Have a safe and happy 2023! Happy New Year!! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • God’s Gift To The World

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be calledWonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Jesus’s Hebrew name Yeshua means salvation. He was born into our world, as a gift to all mankind. No one truly knows the exact time of His birth. It is believed to be in the springtime and not during the winter months. However, December 25th has been popularized and is currently celebrated as the birth of the Savior of the world. During this time many are decorating their homes, and workplaces, attending holiday gatherings and shopping for gifts to give to one another. The birth of the Savior is truly a joyous occasion and is to be celebrated. But, have you ever stopped to think, how would Jesus like us to celebrate His birth? The commercialism of this holiday has moved far away from the “real reason for the season”. For example, if we were to celebrate a friend or a loved one, would we plan everything based on our wants/desires? Or, would we keep them in mind and celebrate the way they would desire? The same thought should be made when we seek to honor the birth of the Savior of the world. I imagine His desire would be for us to spread His message of love and hope through our words, followed up by our actions, to everyone we meet. He would desire no more fighting/wars, no bullying attitudes/behaviors; lifting ones-self up as if you’re better than another because of race, religion, social/economic background, etc. He would want us to learn to live in harmony and acceptance of one another and, to take care of this beautiful planet He created. He would not want us to turn blind eyes towards the wrongs being done to another. As we gather together with family and friends this holiday season, may we focus individually and collectively, on giving the true gifts that Jesus would want us all to share. Let us give the gift of ourselves, to be used by God in spreading His message throughout the world. Happy and safe holidays to All! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Your Roots!

    It was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; for its roots went down to abundant waters. Ezekiel 31:7 (ESV) Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7 (NLT) Botanists’ say plants grow the most not when it’s warm, gentle winds, and light rains but, when they encounter strong winds and furious storms. It is stated if time were slowed and you take a cross-section of the earth during a raging storm, one can actually see the roots move deeper and deeper into the soil. To navigate life and the world in which we live, we too must have deep roots that are locked and rooted in God the Father, through belief in His Son Jesus Christ. Similar to the plants, we will face challenges and rough times in our lives. No one wants pain or adversity in life. We all want a smooth, easy, happy life. However, that description is not always true, living in this fallen and sinful world. Jesus showed us how to live in this fallen world with the life He lived while here, and how He interacted with others. By reading the Bible (I like to refer to it as the blueprint on living our best life), praying, and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us, we can be in the position to always seek God’s way of handling life situations. Just like the plants, we can grow stronger and deeper roots when we face adversity. When things are smooth and happy, we usually tend to not grow a deeper/connected relationship with God. However, after one has gone through rough storms in life and they eventually come to that quiet calm, they’re usually appreciative and reflective on how God brought them through. In addition, we need to be aware when we encounter serious storms that God will not always take them away. However, He promises when we are in a storm, we can have complete trust and belief, that He will be there and He will lead us through. And afterwards, when we come out on the other side, we will be stronger and more resilient than ever before. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Elitism!

    Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.  Romans12:16 (ESV) Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. Proverbs 16:5 (ESV) And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18 (ESV) Elitism: The attitude or behavior of a person or group who regard themselves as belonging to an elite. Let’s do a check-in with ourselves, shall we? Do you find yourself looking down on others because they’re not of your race/ethnic/political group, your religion, how they dress, or have a different sexual orientation? Anytime we think less of someone, because they’re not in the category we feel they should be and, we feel as if we are far superior, this is projecting an elitist attitude. God makes it clear in His Holy word that all of us are His sons and daughters. We have been made in His image, despite our physical attributes and our lifestyle choices. We all may not agree with the choices others have made regarding their lives and/or lifestyle however, that does not give anyone the right to look “down upon” or treat another with contempt, due to their choices. God made it clear in His word that we are not to judge. Judgment of another’s lifestyle choices (referring to non-criminal matters) is to be done by God, and not by another human being. As He stated in James 4:12: “There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?” If anyone suffers from an elitist mindset, seek to humble yourself and ask God to help you as you go about interacting with others. Remember, all of us on this planet are God’s children, and He expects us to treat one another as brothers and sisters. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Let It Go!!

    A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 (ESV) Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11 (ESV) I recently read the following story that I had to share. I believe the author to be unknown… An elderly woman got on a bus and sat down. At the next stop, a strong, grumpy young woman climbed up and sat down sharply beside the old woman, hitting her with her numerous bags. When she saw that the elderly woman remained silent, the young woman asked her why she had not complained when she hit her with her bags. The elderly woman replied with a smile: ′′ There is no need to be rude or discuss something so insignificant, as my trip next to you is so short because I am going to get off at the next stop.” What struck me is the simple truth of this life lesson…life is truly short and we need to learn to not allow small incidents to derail us. We all have various struggles from time to time, throughout our lives. But, when we take a step back and look at life, and the various situations that we all go through, we realize everyone is just trying to do their best in life. Of course, we do know and realize some are trying a little more than others to do their best. However, in the long run, it’s up to each of us to mature and do the work necessary to become an emotionally intelligent person; a person that responds as the older woman did in the story. With emotionally intelligent adults, when someone bumps into them for example, they may say something different than the woman in the story but, they will have the same reaction to the situation. They will not allow a trivial incident to derail them from moving forward, and onward with their life. When we work on ourselves, grow, and learn to forgive, we will be able to move forward, and not remain stuck in life due to what happened to us. Now, depending on what was done to us, there may be consequences for the person who did wrong. But ultimately, you don’t want to become stuck in a rut of anger, hurt, bitterness, etc. You do not want to find yourselves wasting the precious time given, planning revenge or seeking to lash out at the person who caused you harm. We must come to the conclusion that we can only control ourselves and not our children, spouses, other family members, friends, etc. When we grow in emotional maturity, we will develop better control of ourselves, and have a better understanding as we encounter others. By focusing on our emotional well-being, we are preparing to live life moving forward, despite any situation we come across. It will not always be easy. There will be those in life who will push and seek to upset you. However, by working on yourself now, you are preparing for the various life scenarios that will come upon you. Learn to let it go…and move on!! Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Giving Thanks! 

    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) Do you give God thanks for the mundane and everyday areas of your life? Or, do you choose to wait and thank Him for the larger miracles and/or answers to your prayers? I once read of an activity a pastor did in his church where he asked everyone to list their prayer requests and their needs to God, and then to bring them to the front of the church. He then asked them to list all of their praises and what they were thankful for, and to bring that list to the front of the church as well. Afterwards, the pastor pointed out there were many leaving prayer requests but not as many leaving their lists of praise and thanksgiving. After reading that story I asked myself the question, why? Why do people more often than not go to God with their requests but not go to Him with their thankfulness and praises? One of the reasons given in the story was that some felt they didn’t have anything big happening to them at that moment so, they didn’t think about praising God for just the mundane happenings in their lives. This made me think, do we need to have something big happening in our lives, for us to praise and be thankful to God? Or can we be thankful for the little things; the beautiful happenings in our lives that occur on a daily basis and, which we usually take for granted? As children of God, may we never just get excited to praise God for the large answers to prayer or the huge miracles. May we seek to thank Him and give praises for the seemingly small life occurrences and blessings as well. May we get in a habit of daily praising and thanking God for every aspect of our lives. If for nothing else, just the mere fact that He kept us through the night and we awoke to a brand new day. Now, truth be told there will be times in life when we do not desire to praise God due to perhaps our present circumstances. However, despite the down period you may be having, look up and around and see the blessings of God. May we not get in the habit of only praising God when we “feel” good. As we move forward in life, may we not wait to only give thanks at a certain time of year, or only for large miracles, or depending on how we feel. May we joyfully praise and thank God at all times, in any and all circumstances. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

  • Sinful Hearts

    Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 (ESV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (ESV) When we look at the pain and anguish many are feeling today, the root cause can be traced to sinful hearts. Many writers have referenced the following as the seven deadly sins of the heart: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and being lazy. Of course, God’s word lists more as referenced in Proverbs 6:16-19. All sins (those referenced and others) are the foundations of the current ills that plague all human beings, as well as our entire planet. Many times, people find themselves in situations trying to deal with the fallout of sinful behavior, by their own doing or what has been done to them. However, the real culprit goes much deeper, and it is the root cause that brought on the behavior and/or situation. Many failed relationships, failed businesses, various crimes, environmental concerns, etc., all stem from the root cause–the sinful heart. And let’s not fool ourselves into thinking many of us are exempt from committing these sins. Every human being has transgressed at least one or a combination of the sins referenced. For example, an adulterer will lie to their spouse to cover up their behavior. The lie didn’t cause the adultery but, the lusting (usually the initial behavior) after another person that is not their spouse, was the root cause. As human beings, we all need to work on the source of sin within our hearts, on a continual basis. Many people will work on the surface of their various problems but fail to delve deeper into the root cause. In Mark 7:15, 21-22, Jesus diagnosed the spiritual condition of every human… “It is what comes out of a person that defiles them,” (v.15) and, in verses 21-22, He listed the sins that are at times contained within our hearts. Throughout the Bible, many of God’s children cried out to Him for help with their sinful conditions, asking Him to clean their hearts, their ideas, and their thoughts. For example, in Psalm 51:9-10, David cried out to God to blot out his sins and to renew a right spirit within him. May we seek to not just treat the symptoms of our lives but look to work on the root cause. God wishes for all His children to not be led astray into temptation and then to sin. I pray we all continue to die to our sins daily and, that we allow God’s word, His teaching, to guide us throughout our lives. If we fall into sin, may we repent (meaning to turn away from sin) and ask for cleansing through the blood of Jesus. May we not just treat the symptoms but, allow Jesus to purify the source of our sinful hearts. Blessings, Angélique To contact:

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